Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day 100 + 1 Month

I've been getting significant feedback from people asking for an update on my status now that the 100 days is over. My response of course is "Get a LIFE, people!" :-) Actually, I'm happy that you're still with me and even minutely interested, so here goes....

I felt a little odd when the 100 days ended. How do I approach eating? Is it okay to visit the dessert table again? If I don't push myself, how fast will I re-gain weight, and how much is acceptable? I'm not really sure I know what the answers to these questions should be. All I know is that I need to remain healthy and fit.

I tried to continue to evaluate whether I was eating something for convenience, comfort, or need. I tried to continue to choose the healthy option when faced with a choice. I continue to eat salads, veggies, low-fat or non-fat alternatives whenever possible. I continue to look for opportunities to ride my exercise bike, or put the extra effort into a physical activity. I continue to use the 'escalator' at work (which my loyal readers know means hiking my sorry butt up 142 stairs). It simply has to be the way to live from now on.

So, perhaps nothing has really changed. I don't have the pressure of the 100 Days journey, but the reason why I started it in the first place still exists...I need to remain healthy and fit...FOREVER!

Day 100 + 1 Month
Current Weight: 173
Weight Lost To Date: 33
Post 100 Days Change: -1

I've added a new line to my numbers report above. I want to track my progress since the 100 day journey ended, which I'll report on the "Post 100 Days Change" line. I expected this number to be around +5 pounds. I'm actually quite thrilled to see it negative! This means that I've actually lost weight in the month following the formal end of the 100 days. Statistics show that 95% of people regain the weight they've lost (and more!), sometimes within a few months. Let's aim for the other 5%, shall we. Now if we could only get rid of this snow so Speedo season would arrive!
