Sunday, June 8, 2008

Day 100 + 3 Months


I'm currently writing this blog from the Mayan Riviera near Cancun Mexico. Hopefully it looks okay to you, as the blogging software was kind enough to recognize my location and give me an entirely Spanish interface. In case there was any doubt, no, I don't speak Spanish. However, I've learned that the breakfast buffet has the same number of calories no matter what language the signs are in. The only difference (as the lovely senorita who cooked my brunch fajita told me this morning), is that "There is no diet here."

But you and I have developed some trust over these past 100 days and 3 months, so I have to be as honest as I can and report to you the real truth, as painful as it might be. It is now June, and you deserve an update. A weigh-in here, without my normal scale, would certainly be like comparing apples and mangoes, so it wouldn't be proper. Luckily, I thought of that in advance and made sure I weighed in (on June 1st), before I left for paradise. I'm only now getting the time to record my results, but the number is still official (and this way I get a few weeks to try and burn off my Mexican feasts before weighing in again....I'm not just good looking, I've got some brains too!)

Day 100 + 3 Months
Current Weight: 173.5
Weight Lost To Date: 32.5
Post 100 Days Change: -0.5

Well, it's not much, but the 0.5 pound loss from last month is definitely a welcome sign. There continues to be a lot of travel in my life, and not much regular exercise, so the combination might have proven deadly. Luckily it hasn't so far.

Strangely enough, I'm starting to feel a bit 'chunky' even though I have no indication that my weight or physical size has changed. In fact, I continue to get very positive comments from people who haven't seen me in a while. I guess it's just a self conscious thing. My diet isn't bad (once I get away from the land of the breakfast burrito at least), but I could sure use more exercise. Hopefully the warm weather will lend itself to some rounds of golf. The walk, combined with all that swinging and swearing, should do me good.
