Saturday, January 5, 2008

Day 50

Well, we finally made it half way! It's starting to feel like we've been at this for a while, and being in the first half was a bit depressing, but now I can look forward to the finish line. We all know that there really isn't a 'finish line' when it comes to fitness, but we set out to do 100 days, so it will be nice when we've finally reach it.

The other night, Mom looked after the boys so my wife and I could go out for dinner. Eating out is a tough thing on a diet, but a few smart choices make all the difference in the world. For example, we usually share one of our favourite desserts (deep-fried ice cream). This time, even though there were two spoons, my wife 'took one for the team' and ate it all herself. It didn't tempt me. It didn't bother me. It didn't make me salivate. I didn't have to look away. It was a great feeling to know that I could sit there and talk with her while she ate it, and not be the least bit affected by it. The fact was, I didn't want it. There's a big difference between "I can't have it", and "I don't want it". If you still want it, but are simply depriving yourself of it, I believe you're bound to succumb to the temptation as soon as the diet is over. If you truly don't desire it, you've made the free willed choice regarding what's important to you, and realized it doesn't have to be food. My money says that choice will get you a lot farther in the post-diet era.

It also seems like I've survived the holiday season. Tomorrow is the last day of vacation. Mom leaves as well. Things go back to normal. I continued to lose during the season. Life is good. As a final hurrah for the gift-giving season, I received a nice set of containers filled with healthy dried foods and a diet guide from BC (Anybody for a dried apricot? I'm having one now). It's great when your friends support what you're doing. Thanks BC! If anyone else would like to send me a gift, please feel free, although a nice comment on the blog would be every bit as appreciated.

Time for some half-way numbers.......

Day 50
Current Weight: 188
Weight Lost To Date: 18

Doing the math, it's clear to see we're still ahead of our average for a 31 pound goal (to weigh 175 pounds by the end). I'm still not celebrating yet, but I'm happy to take a bow at the half way point for a job well done so far. I might even touch my toes while I'm down there.



Anonymous said...

Looks like you are doing great! Keep fighting the good fight. 100 days is a great goal to set, very creative.

Anonymous said...

Well Done indeed! The bit that made me feel most proud was the bit where you said you didn't WANT the ice cream! That is progress indeed and you are spot on, I believe, in your summation of what that actually means, post-diet. Excellent work Don! :-)

Anonymous said...

I am amazed how your weight continually drops. I find mine goes up and down over the course of a week. Can I have your half of the desert next time?

...Mark M

Anonymous said...

Good words.